
Salesforce Well-Architected represents guidance and best practices from an experts across Salesforce and throughout our ecosystem. Thank you to everyone who has contributed resources and knowledge to well-architected.

We update Well-Architected documents twice a year. We will announce how to contribute to Well-Architected during our next maintenance window.

You can provide feedback on Well-Architected at any time here.

July 2024 Release

Thank you to our contributors who helped with our initial release of patterns & anti-patterns for Data Cloud and Einstien.

Ahmed Keshk
Andres Perez
Arturo Alvarado
Arvind Raman
Bret Brizzee
CJ Buskey
Gina Nichols
Jim Stukas
John Kucera
Jordan Seeley
Justin Piehowski
Marc Braga
Marissa Chesney
Matt Dykeman
Michael DePuy
Moustafa Ishak Kamal Moustafa
Muralidhar Krishnaprasad
Patrick Hermiller
Scott Robbins
Shoby Abdi
Stella Hang
Susannah Plaisted
Tom Leddy
Zayne Turner

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