
Salesforce Well-Architected represents guidance and best practices from an experts across Salesforce and throughout our ecosystem. Thank you to everyone who has contributed resources and knowledge to well-architected.

We update Well-Architected documents twice a year. We will announce how to contribute to Well-Architected during our next maintenance window.

You can provide feedback on Well-Architected at any time here.

July 2022 Release

Thank you to our founding countributors.

Adam Doti
Alan Weibel
Amol Hardikar
Anand Vardhan
Antonio Figueiredo
Anup Jadhav
Avi Mukherjee
Avrom Roy-Faderman
Bob Wise
Cheryl Feldman
Christina Zhang
Denise Burchell
Diana Jaffe
Dianne Siebold
Dileep Burki
Emely Patra
Giles Bill
Gonzalo Gambino
Ivan Yeung
Jennifer Lee
Jsun Pe
Karishma Lalwani
Kathy Baxter
Ken D'Amico
LeeAnne Rimel
Marc Braga
Marc Goldstein
Marissa Lowe
Matt McLarty
Nicolas Vanden Bossche
Parker Harris
Paul Roth
Phil Mui
Ravi Raina
Samuel Holloway
Sandrine Hiest
Sarah Khalid
Sean Harp
Shainesh Baheti
Steve Bobrowski
Steve Stearns
Susannah Plaisted
Tom Leddy
Vivek Chawla
Zayne Turner
Zoe Heimdal

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