Benefit Management

Diagram Scope

Entities and relationships for managing applications, assessments, enrollments, and benefit disbursements for participants in assistance programs

Entities (objects) Included

Account, Application Participant, Benefit, Benefit Assignment Adjustment, Benefit Disbursement, Benefit Disbursement Adjustment, Benefit Type, Business Account, Care Barrier, Care Barrier Type, Care Plan, Care Plan Detail, Case, Case Participant, Claim, Claim Item, Claim Participant, Code Set, Code Set Bundle, Contact, Contact Point Address, Contact Profile, Goal Assignment, Goal Assignment Detail, Household Member Relationship, Household Party Relationship Group, Individual Application, Insurance Policy, Insurance Policy Transaction, Party Certified Capacity, Party Expense, Party Financial Asset, Party Income, Payment Request, Payment Request Line, Person Account, Person Disability, Person Education, Person Employment, Preliminary Application Reference, Program, Participant, Payer, Payee, Unit of Measure, Worker Compensation Coverage Class

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