Revenue Cloud DRO Fulfillment Data Model

Diagram Scope

Entities and relationships that help design the sales transaction fulfillment process using the Dynamic Revenue Orchestrator.

Entities (objects) Included

Account, Asset, Attribute Definition, Attribute Picklist Value, Flow Definition, Fulfillment Asset, Fulfillment Line Attribute, Fulfillment Line Relationship, Fulfillment Line Source Rel, Fulfillment Order, Fulfillment Order Line Item, Fulfillment Plan, Fulfillment Step, Fulfillment Step Dependency, Fulfillment Step Orchestration, Fulfillment Step Source, Fulfillment Transaction, Fulfillment Transaction Item, Integration Definition, Omni Process, Order Action, Order Item, Order Item Detail, Order Item Group, Order Item Relationship, Order Item Type, Order Status Codes, Pricebook Entry, Product Relationship Type, Product2, Queue, Revenue Transaction Error Log, Rule Set, Sales Order, Sales Transaction, User.

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How do I read these diagrams?

See Salesforce Data Model Notation.

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